Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Shopping Around - 4 Shirts From Aliexpress

I have opened an Instagram account a little before the blog so in the next couple of days I will try to put all images from there along with all the interesting links and details for you guys to shop :D

Now behold these 4 cool blouses I have bought earlier this year. Which one do you like?

Instagram profil ovog bloga sam otvorila jos prije par mjeseci dok se sami blog malo oduzio. U iducih par dana cu se potruditi da okacim sve slike zajedno sa interesantnim linkovima i detaljima, tako da znate ukoliko zelite nesto da kupite :D

A sada usmjerimo svu paznju na ove cool bluze koje sam kupila pocetkom godine! Koja vam se najvise svidja?

1. Grey Big Flower Shirt HERE
2. Colorful Grid Shirt HERE
3. Vintage Flower Blouse HERE
4. Geometric Black White Shirt HERE

First and second skirt are from H&M, third one is from Stradivarius, forth no brand.

Don't forget to like Collor Colar Facebook page :D

Top 40 Floral Zipper Jackets You Have To Have - Part I

Recently I had a really big amount of time (and I mean like hours and hours) and I have spent it browsing for bomber jackets on Aliexpress. I have found a total amount of 40 irresistible and cheap pieces.

Please note that I did not order any of these jackets so I can't give you my personal feedback. These are only suggestions so be careful while ordering, like in general when you order from Aliexpress. Make sure to check the size charts in description and always contact the seller if you are not sure about the order.

My personal favorites are 13, 14, 17 and 18.

U skorije vrijeme sam bila POPRILICNO besposlena pa sam provela odredjeni dio dana na Aliexpressu tragajuci za bomber jaknama. Kao rezultat tu je 40 neodoljivih i prejeftinih komada :D

Imajte u vidu da nisam narucila nijednu od ovih jakni (za sad :) tako da nisam u mogucnosti da dam licno misljenje o mjerama ili materijalu npr. Ovo su samo predlozi i trebalo bi uvijek paziti pri narucivanju sa Aliexpressa. Pazljivo proucite tabelu sa mjerama i, ako niste sigurni oko odredjene velicine, uvijek kontaktirajte radnju prije porudzbine.

Moji licni favoriti su 13, 14, 17 i 18.

Also, don't forget to like Collor Colar Facebook page :D

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Shopping Around - Aliexpress, New Look, H&M and more

Some stuff that I bought online and some of this stuff I bought on sales. All in all very proud of my findings and of the super cheap prices. Long live sales! :)

Neke stvari su kupljene online prije par mjeseci, a neke na snizenjima. Sve u svemu, veoma sam ponosna na ovo sto sam uspjela iskopati, a posebno me cine srecnom niske cijene. Zivjela snizenja! :)

I saw a similar in H&M but on Aliexpress you can get it much cheaper :D HERE

Slican top vidjen u H&Mu, medjutim na Aliexpressu ga mozete naci za mnogo manje :D OVDJE

The 2 tops are from New Look HERE and HERE, pink skirt is from H&M and the black one is New Look HERE

The textured white sweater is from New Yorker while the bag is from H&M.

Both pair of shoes are from Deichmann.

Want more? Don't forget to like Collor Colar Facebook page :D

Outfit in Frames - Black White Blue

So... this is the beginning :) I still don't have the whole concept of the blog but the idea is to keep posting daily outfits, tips about online shopping, especially treasures found on Aliexpress, share links, share my madness about necklaces (that's where the name of the blog comes from ;), ideas about combining stuff and tiny bit of the music here and there...

Evo me... pa da pocnemo s ovim blogom :) Jos uvijek nemam potpunu ideju kako ce ovo sve ici, ali zamisao je da postujem (nadam se ne jednom u sto god) dnevne kombinacije, preporuke za online shopping, sve zivo jeftino sto pronadjem na Aliexpressu, linkove, da podijelim sa vama i moju opsjednutost ogrlicama (tako je i ovaj blog dobio svoje ime), ideje o kombinacijama i, tu i tamo, pomalo muzike...

shirt Zara - collection of 2,3 years ago
jeans Bershka - eve more old than Zara shirt :)
bag Bossanova - they have many stores in and around Barcelona
jacket Stradivarius - buttons are customized, found on a random market in BCN
shoes - random Chinese shop in BCN

Here's Collor Colar Facebook page for you to like :D

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