Thursday, 18 December 2014

Shopping Around - Draped Cardigans

My Aliexpress orders keep arriving so I will keep sharing them stuff here with you. My last packages were all draped cardigans. I hope that is the right term for these types of oversized cardigans sort of wavy in front :)

Moje porudzbine sa Aliexpressa nastavljaju da stizu tako da cu podijeliti redom sve nove komade ovdje sa vama. Najnovije sto mi je stiglo je par oversized 'leprsavih' (??) dzempera. Ako neko zna pravi termin za ove dzempere koji su onako talasasti ispred, neka mi javi pliz :D

1. Striped Cardigan from Aliexpress
2. Crop Top from Newyorker (similar)
3. Aliexpress Necklace
4. Black Jeans from H&M
5. Black & White Bag from Peacocks (similar)
6. Black & White Shoes from Ebay (similar here, here or here)

As you can see, I combined a necklace from my previous post. As for the other cardigans that arrived, I hope to wear them soon. Check them out down! :)

Kao sto vidite tu je ogrlica iz mog proslog posta :D a nadam se da cu uskoro iskombinovati i ostale dzempere koji su stigli :)

And these two beauties are next on my wishlist!

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Shopping Around - Geo Metal Accessories

Oh, what a lovely day. My orders from Aliexpress came in today. I must say the shipping from all of the sellers was quite fast. And I can't decide which necklace I love more! :) Wish I could put them all tonight, but that would look a tiny bit ridiculous (even for a big accessories freak like me) :D

Divan dan! Moje porudzbine sa Aliexpressa su pristigle danas. Mogu vam reci da je dostava bila bas brza. Prosto ne mogu da se odlucim koja mi se stvar najvise svidja. Da mogu, sve bih ih ukombinovala nocas, ali mislim da bi to bilo ipak malo previse (cak i za aksesori frika kao sto sam ja) :D

Here are some other things that I am eying right now and that I hope I will be ordering soon.

Evo jos par stvari na koje sam bacila oko i nadam se da cu ih uskoro naruciti.






Saturday, 6 December 2014

Outfit In Frames - Sharp & Smart

Ever since I discovered Primark couple of years ago my life hasn't been the same! My last acquisition were these gorgeous pointed ankle boots. They had me at the first sight :D Love the gold metal stripe on the heel as well!

Moj zivot vise nije bio isti od trenutka kad sam otkrila Primark prije par godina! Moja posljednja trgovina su bile ove predivne cizmice na spic. Ljubav na prvi pogled :D Mnogo mi se svidja kao detalj zlatna strafta na peti!

Shoes and polka dot shirt from Primark
Bag from Bossanova
Black pullover from Inusual
High waist jeans from Bershka
Necklace Aliexpress here

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Outfit In Frames - Patterns & Browns

Brown is most certainly not on top of my list of favorite colors but somehow when I go winter shopping I end up buying a lot of things in brownish shades. It must be some inner dark side of me trying to express her feelings about this cold VERY cold weather.

Braon boja i ne spada bas medju moje omiljene boje, hm cak je daleko od toga. Ali nekako kad god odem u shopping zimi zavrsim sa stvarima braon nijansi. Mora da je u pitanju neka moja mracna strana koja pokusava da pokaze svoja osjecanja prema ovom uzasno hladnom vremenu vani.

Scarf & Bag - No Brand
Turtleneck Shirt - Forever21
Skirt - MRP
Shoes - Deichmann here
Leather Sleeved Jacket - Aliexpress here

Some Kickass Sweatshirts

I've been obsessed with all kinds of geometric prints for a while now. It can be black and white, multicolor, center print, I just love them all... These models here made it to my wishlist and hopefully I will order some of them very soon :)

Vec neko vrijeme sam opsjednuta geometrijskim sarama. Nije bitno da li je crnobijela kombinacija, neki sarenis ili samo centralni print, ja ih prosto sve obozavam... Ovi modeli su trenutno u mojoj wishlisti, a nadam se da cu uskoro naruciti neke od njih :)



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