Friday 6 February 2015

My Appreciation Of Exaggeration

I have been browsing Aliexpress for the last couple of days trying to gather some massive cool designed necklaces, sort of the necklaces you would add to a very normal basic outfit to make it stand out from the rest. I imagine them as a piece of jewelry you would add to a simple black or gray turtleneck pullover. By the way, I am absolutely in love with turtlenecks this season but that is a story for another time and another post :D

Posljednjih par dana sam chachkala po Aliexpressu (gle cuda!) i pokusavala naci velike ogrlice interesantnog dizajna, ogrlice koje se kombinuju na primjer uz neki skroz obicni normalni outfit i na taj nacin vas izdvajaju iz mase. Ove ogrlice zamisljam kao nesto sto bi islo uz obicnu crnu ili sivu rolku. Kad smo kod toga, obozavam rolke ove sezone, ali to nek ostane prica za neko drugo vrijeme i neki drugi post :D


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